
(First Ever) Fashion Friday

Man, I’ve been in a funk today. Something feels off and a little icky.

I tried a bunch of stuff to shake it with very little success. I could barely survive exercising this morning. I was truly out. of. breath. When I came home, I tried to eat; no dice. I tried to perk up with a shower; I still felt like crap. I drank a cup of coffee; nothing. I finally resigned to just laying down and taking a 45 20 minute nap/siesta.

I guess part of it is that I didn’t sleep well last night. And let’s face it, that never makes a day bright and shiny. But, it also could be that today is the yuckiest of all of the days of the year. Today was my annual gyno appointment. Blechhh. Don’t get me wrong, my doc is a lovely lady but I can’t say that I EVER look forward to seeing her. Even AFTER I wait 60+ minutes in three different waiting rooms. It’s just NOT what I consider a fun experience.

Anywho, I was laying around before the appointment kind of wallowing in my funk. I was doing the count backwards from when I HAVE to leave the house to figure out exactly how much longer I can lie around resembling a slug thing. It’s a special skill to be able to procrastinate to the EXACT last moment before rushing around in a panic to get ready and get out the door. It’s only something I’ve been working on for like 30 years. So, obviously, I'm really good at it.  Lying there, I decided to check Facebook for probably the 20th time since I woke up and I came across one of those Living Social posts. My friend had posted this:

5 Albums That Remind You of High School

(Notice I deleted her name and “disguised” her face to protect the innocent)

In about 5 seconds I was feeling soooo much better. I couldn’t have picked a better "5 albums" to remind me of all of the fun parts of high school. Her choices were epic and made me smile. They brought me back to my senior year, put a huge smile on my face and inspired this look:


*Flowery Dress: I’ve had since High School (I definitely accessorized it differently back then though... think hemp necklace, Birkenstocks, joint in my bra and a newspaper pass to get me out of class for the rest of the day).
*Black Boots: I’ve carried them waaay into spring (per Emery’s suggestion). Also seen here & here
*Scarf: Birthday gift from my sister (who has her last day of undergrad TODAY – I think). She got it at the St. Louis Art Museum where she’s had an internship this year… VERY PRESTIGIOUS since she’s the only undergrad they invited!!! (Yes, I'm bragging about her amazingness.)
*Jean Jacket: I bought from the Gap probably 5 years ago for $10! (Though it's 80 degrees outside, you knoooow hot cold it is in those doctor's offices.)

After getting dressed, my funk began to lift. I got in my car, opened my sun roof and screeched every word of Rites of Passage at the top of my lungs during the drive to the gyno. I survived the wait appointment and shouldn’t have to go back for another year.

Moving forward, I intend to listen to every one of those albums this weekend! Funk be gone, I say!


Mrs. Beer said...

Getting dressed and looking cute (which you do, obviously) does wonders for getting out of a funk! It's so true.

Rachael said...

Those boots are AWESOME. I'm glad you found a way out of your funk. I'm usually like, 'shoot... I'm here. Guess it'll be like this FOREVER.' I seldom am productive about getting OUT of a mood like that.

Steph Hernandez said...

I remember those songs too...just maybe there's some magic in your boots, AND those songs!!

Jen said...

AIEEE!! I was totally (happily) surprised when I was reading (ok, stalking) your blog, and found myself in it!! Made my day!! :)