
Twice Over Fashion Friday

Q: What’s so much fun about having girlfriends who live in different states?
A: Re-wearing a dress on multiple girls’ nights without a shred of regret.


This photo was taken at a Bachelorette Party in St. Louis in January of this year.
(…kind of bumming because I thought I had a full length shot)


And then this one was just a few weeks ago at a 30th birthday celebration in Chattanooga.

In case you didn't notice, I'm wearing the same dress in both pictures.  *gasp* 

I know.


Two fabulous nights + one sexy little dress = happy, happy budget

Now of course, January & May meant the styling was very different (leggings and knee high boots vs. cha cha heels) each time I wore the dress. But, two different States meant that there was no fear of being issued a repeat offender fashion violation.

Maybe there are some benefits of dual citizenship after all.