
Summer Fashion Week VI

I'm not quite sure I'm prepared for Summer Fashion Week to come to a close tomorrow. Therefore I'm going to utilize my well honed skill, denial, to not think about it.

Today’s tour of Chattanooga brings us atop Lookout Mountain. It’s here that you’ll be able to “See Rock City.” Lookout is a tightly knit community of beautiful homes and several touristy activities. It’s also the site of the “Battle of Chattanooga” otherwise known as the “Battle Above the Clouds.”

Insert lots of bor-ring civil war history here.

{The civil war is a hot topic around these parts. I’ve often joked that it’s still being fought in the heart of many a local. So, for fear of coming off snarky, that’s all I'm going to say about that.}

As a side note, wanna know the difference between a Yankee and a Damn Yankee?
A Yankee comes to visit the South. A Damn Yankee stays.

“Look there’s one, now!”

Anywhoooo, today’s stop on the tour of Chattanooga brings us to one of the beautiful touristy activities on Lookout Mountain, Point Park. Point Park is a national park built in 1905 to commemorate the battle mentioned above. The park itself is really lovely complete with hiking trails, civil war cannons, monuments to the fallen soldiers and stunning views.


It’s also jam packed with gorgeous old growth trees and perfectly manicured lawns.


Oh, and I did I mention there are cannons? Plus, if you’re interested, Park rangers offer tours complete with way too much plenty of civil war history.


What I love about this picture is that you can see the haze that sits over the valley through a lot of the summer and spring and fall. Chattanooga is one HUMID town. I mean seriously sticky hot & muggy. The upside is that we residents get that “dewy look” without the help of any makeup technicians.
Right outside the park you’ll find a tourist trap museum shop filled with plenty of confederate flags, civil war memorabilia and a 3D interactive battle map.

The closest I’ve ever come to holding a fire-arm... This post is really artillery heavy, huh?

Now, for the Fashion:

Maxi Dress: F21 Outlet
Seashell/Hemp Necklace: Bought on beach in Hawaii
Pink Beaded Bracelet: Hand me Down from my Mother in Law
Brown Leather Flip Flops: DSW

I really like posing with cannons.

Now, go check out Emery and all the other lovelies at moms are for everyone!