Chris Cleave's novel is a #1 New York Times Bestseller and although I'm only one chapter into it, I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy it.
Helen over at Plant My Appletree selected the book this month and she's made a bizarre and super cool request. She wants us each to pick up the book knowing as little about it as we can. No reading reviews, no researching synopses (is that the plural of synopsis?), no snooping. I've done my best and haven't even read the back cover. I'm going to be honest... it's killing me.
But the first chapter has grabbed me, and I sooooo wish I could tell you why. But I can't. So, I guess you'll just have to find your own copy. Read it. And join us all at Book Club Blogger Central a.k.a. The Daily Snapshot and let us know what you think on November 26th. As usual, Charlotte will be hosting the fun.
You can click the link below for more information on the club itself, for questions to consider AFTER YOU'VE READ Little Bee, and also for advance notice regarding December's book club selection.

You'll notice I didn't link to the book anywhere in this post so as not to tempt you to read anything about it. You're welcome.