In 2011 I'd like to be more present. I spend a lot of time reminiscing about the past and planning for the future. As a result, my present is often overlooked. The excitement and blessings of TODAY are pushed aside remembering or planning for another time. While looking backward and forward are obviously an important part of life and necessary for growth and progress, they can be distracting if done NON-STOP. That's why this year, I want to make an attempt to focus on the here and now.
This idea came to me during our whirlwind trip to St. Louis this past weekend. We spent just over 48 hours in town. During those hours I hoped to eat yummy St. Louis only food, shop in stores not available in Chattanooga, enjoy the symphony and most importantly catch up with friends and family.
Let's face it. That's a lot to cram into such a short period of time. And there was a definite risk that the hours would fly by, tasks would be checked off the list and I would be so "busy" that I'd miss out on the enjoyment of the visit.
While driving in I made the resolution to be present. Rather than focus on what was next or what I'd just finished, I wanted to be fully in every moment. I wanted to taste every bite, hear every note and engage in every interaction. I'm pleased to report that I was mildly successful. I came away from the weekend feeling very full and very content. (but with very few pictures... sorry)
Since it worked so well, I figured why not carry the goal into the New Year? Obviously, now that we're back in Chattanooga the temptation is to focus on the past weekend or to plan our next trip in or my next distraction. But, instead this morning I'm taking a deep breath and staying present. I'm enjoying being back in our home. I'm taking advantage of the wonderful friendships I'm blessed with in Chattanooga. I'm being thankful for the amazing life I'm living right now that allows me to leisurely drink a cup of coffee and plan a day of household tasks.
So far, so good.
Are you the resolution type?