Date Night
The hubby's been out of town for the last three weeks (give or take 36 hours here and there). This afternoon/tonight is date day/night. Just the two of us. Sorry, as much as I love you, you're not invited. He's all mine.
Trees In Bloom
This week blossoms have been popping out all over Chattanooga.
Pretty, pretty trees everywhere.
We currently have Almond Joy coffee creamer and the most scrumptious Libertẽ Méditerranée Yogourt (their spelling NOT mine) in our fridge. I'm telling you either one could legitimately change your life.
"You can understand dependence
When you know the maker's hand"
I'm currently a little bit more than obsessed with Mumford & Sons. I know, I'm a bit late to the party. But I'm finally fully committed and head over heels in love with them!!
I'm a Winner, I'm a WINNER!
The beautiful Kellie over at Second Star hosted a stupendous necklace giveaway last week, and guess who won? That's right, people, ME! Woo Hoo. I can't wait to put it to stylish use.
I'm currently a little bit more than obsessed with Mumford & Sons. I know, I'm a bit late to the party. But I'm finally fully committed and head over heels in love with them!!
I'm a Winner, I'm a WINNER!
The beautiful Kellie over at Second Star hosted a stupendous necklace giveaway last week, and guess who won? That's right, people, ME! Woo Hoo. I can't wait to put it to stylish use.
Click the fancy button below for even MORE gratitude!!

Your turn! What is making you happy, happy, this week?