Dog Farts
Twice - TWO times - last week Spike was dead asleep, let out an audible fart that woke him up and then barked at whatever it was that had just disturbed him.
Juvenile humor? Perhaps. Funny as all get out? Undoubtedly.
An Empty Google Reader
My blog backlog had gotten out of control! On Wednesday night after reading as many posts as I could, I clicked "mark all items as read" and started with a clean slate. I cannot tell you how freeing it felt. Why on Earth did I wait so long to do that? From now on, I intend to use that sanity saving button at the end of my reading each day and I pledge not to feel guilty about it.
The Weather
Today I was able to run at 11am - that's smack dab in the middle of the day, people - and it was glorious. The sun was shining, there was a breeze and I wasn't blinded by sweat in my eyes the minute I stepped out of the car due to heat and humidity. I'm not going to call it perfection, but I'm not going to stop you if that's what you want to call it.
"Freedom is actually a bigger game than power. Power is about what you can control. Freedom is about what you can unleash." -Harriet Rubin
I read this lovely quote (which accompanied an even lovelier picture) on Everton Terrace early this morning. It just kind of started my day off right. Don't you love when that happens? You simply must go over and visit Jeanette's blog if you haven't already. Her she read, she saw... feature is pure brilliance.
During my run today, their were grounds people out spreading manure. Manure is kind of a necessary evil, isn't it? As I experienced the smell I found myself identifying with the plants. Sometimes you gotta push through some shit to get to the light.
Here's hoping your weekend is nothing but light!