Two crews drove down our street yesterday to assess our situation. Two crews left without rectifying it one single bit.
Turns out we are a big job and only a few homes will be restored once it's complete. Consequently, we are low priority.
The above picture has nothing to do with what I'm writing.
I just thought it was pretty.
I'm trying my hardest not to get bitter when I read Facebook status updates like, "Power is Back!" and "We've finally got electricity!" I still feel like I did last week. We are fortunate. Things could be way, WAY worse. But, I'm not going to lie to you guys. I've had some "waaaaa" moments.
Cliché ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!
Didn't I warn you?
Anyway, I'm definitely using all this as an excuse to be laaaa-zy. No housework. Plenty of time spent in coffee shops. As a matter of fact, right now I'm in a little local shop by a HUGE window. It's pouring down rain outside and there's whiny British pop playing in the background. I'm not going to braggy brag and tell you that it's totally romantic and the perfect way to spend the afternoon. But...
I guess what I'm trying to say is that in all this, there are still plenty of things for which I am mighty grateful.
By the way, do you think all this rain is helping or hurting the power crews (from 16 states who are working their butts off around the clock) to restore our electricity?