Summer time always brings lots of out of town family and friends to Chattanooga. This one has been no different! Over the past three weekends we've had several sets of visitors crashing at our pad. I do love to show people around the city and practice a little hospitality.
It isn't very often that you'll hear me saying something nice about Chattanooga when comparing it to my home town. So, perhaps you should mark today on your calendar. After spending less than 24 hours in St. Louis this past weekend, I got more than my fill of the cicada plague. They are loud, ugly and pretty freakin' creepy. And they are all the heck over St. Louis. I am beyond happy to report that to my knowledge they are few and far between in Chattanooga. And I sure hope it stays that way!
Literary Crack
I finally read Suzanne Collins book The Hunger Games. It would probably be an understatement to say I'm hooked considering I picked up the second book of the trilogy about 12 hours after finishing the first. (a girl has to sleep) I found the first book to be an ideal summer indulgence. It's a super quick read with a unique premise, engaging characters and just the right amount of "dark" to keep my nose buried deep in its pages. PLUS, there is a movie currently being filmed and scheduled to be released around my birthday in the Spring! Happy Birthday to me.
Now that our teaching schedule is back down to only 4 classes a week for the summer, my body and mind have enough energy to take other classes than ours. Last week I hopped into a few Yoga classes for the first time in months. Man do I love a good Yoga (or Yogurt as the hubby calls them) session. I am convinced that laying on your back in silence and solitude for 5 minutes (Savasana) is the ULTIMATE in exercise.
Plenty to Keep Me Busy
Seems like the last few weeks have FLOWN by. There's been more than enough stuff to keep each hour of each day filled to the brim. Not that I think you're counting the hours until I post, but I sure appreciate you continuing to be patient with my less than regular appearances around here.
What's been keeping YOU busy lately???