
Around Town

Wanna know something I really like about Chattanooga? There are amazingly cool murals all around town.  I snapped the following pictures on my way to the Farmer's Market last week. These are all on ONE street! Can you believe that?

Chatty Murals

This building is currently condemned. But a group of local artists have turned it into a canvas.  I love, love, love it.  The next three pictures are detail shots.
Did you know that Samuel L. Jackson grew up in Chattanooga? I didn't either.

Chatty Murals

This guy is my new favorite Main Street mural. I wish it was visible from the street, but it's on the backside. Dang it.

Chatty Murals

Chatty Murals

You can read more about the building here.

These remaining shots showcase the murals that keep me smiling when I'm coming and when I'm going.

Chatty Murals

Chatty Murals

Chatty Murals

Truth is, I didn't take that particular picture last week.
Lexi took it during this photo shoot.

Chatty Murals

Which one do you like best?