First, you'll find a post all about my DREAM VACATION over at Angela's blog Tomorrow is Another Day. I got the chance to guest post over there because Angela is busy travelling around the globe. LUCKY!! If I'm being honest, though she's had some spectacular guest posts this week I've missed her funny, honest, and totally transparent voice. So, as much as I'm glad that she's on vacation and I'm being featured over at her blog today, I'm ready for her to come back soon!
And as if it isn't flattering enough to have one guest post, there's ANOTHER one out there today too.
My second guest post is over at My Goal Is Simple. Karen is the lovely lady behind both that blog and A Lease to Decorate. I read them both daily. Karen is funny, TOTALLY creative and she is an amazing writer. I'm feeling awfully fortunate to be taking up cyberspace over there while she and her adorable family fall in love with Alaska. So, head on over and check out that post too.