Please don't let my smile fool you, I'm wearing black for a reason.
I'm mourning the end of fall fashion week.
... and we have a black and white dress code at work and I had a shift yesterday right before I took these pictures.
I am sad, though, to see the posting part of fall fashion week come to an end.

But, I look forward to going back through the week and checking out all the fun posts I missed.I'll be stopping by this weekend to say, "Hi!"
Thank you to all the sweet participants for your encouragement and support. As each day passed and comments were left I couldn't help but feel incredibly fortunate to be part of this crazy bloggy community. Mostly though I want to thank Emery of moms are for everyone for hosting this little shindig. It's that beautiful, creative and fashion forward lady that makes all this fun possible. Would you do me a favor? Even if you haven't participated in fall fashion week as a blogger will you stop by (just click HERE) and give her some love? My guess is that she's put an enormous amount of effort into this week - though you'd never know it since she's looked so stinkin' cute every day. She's never been frazzled or frayed, it's amazing. Let's let her know we recognize her effort and truly appreciate it!
Thank you so much, Emery.

Happy Friday everybody! Hope your weekend is relaxing and wonderful.