Remember back in July when the book club bloggers read Love in the Time of Cholera? Remember how I vowed not to let it beat me? Remember how stubborn I am?
Welllllll, I FINALLY finished it. Just. Now.
Like several months later.
But it's finished. Fineeto.
The dang thing is posted on Paper Back Swap and I don't ever plan on reading it again.
I liked the characters less as I read the book. There were times when I was nearly gagging over some of their behavior. As I finished it I grew even more tired of the book's form than I was when I originally reviewed it here. I'm proud of myself for finishing, though I can't say that I took much pleasure in most of the reading experience.
All that to say, I finished Love in the Time of Cholera and I now intend to re-institute the, "If I don't like the book, I'm not forcing myself to finish it," rule.