Our dog, Spike, who was strictly an inside creature back in Chattanooga, is now learning to do life as a real dog. Gone are the pampered days of laziness and inactivity. He now takes two thirty minute walks a day. During these outings he takes in every sight and smell along the way and expertly avoids any contact with manhole covers or other four legged creatures.

so much to see

so much to smell
We've supplemented his potty patch usage with the occasional outside "business"! It's a whole new world for this once sheltered pup. The good news? He's taking to it with gusto. Turns out, when you treat your dog like a dog, they begin to act like a dog. He was once a neurotic bundle of nerves scared of his own shadow. And now... well, I mean he's still pretty neurotic but he's making progress. And the best news is that all this walking is leading to one worn out pup.

pooped puppy
As far as the cat goes, I'm concerned that our move has only heightened his quest for world domination.

surveying his kingdom
He spends hours looking out our 7th floor windows. One can only assume he is plotting to annihilate and conquer. His tail twitches and his eyes remain focused on whatever is he sees down below. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty glad I'm the one that feeds him twice a day. Certainly that task has earned me amnesty when he finally puts his plan into motion.