I mean, does it take your breath away or what? You should check out Colossal Art and Design for even more beautiful eye candy. Believe me the site will not disappoint.
And as long as I'm on the subject of Pinterest, can I take a moment to make a public service announcement? Please, I beg you, PUH-LEASE check your pins for permalinks, people. When I first discovered one of these pretties it was pinned from the blog's home page instead of the particular post in which this print was featured. Thankfully, I didn't have to scroll back too, too far to find the post. And thankfully there was a lot of beauty to enjoy while I scrolled. But the story doesn't always end so happily. And this is an epidemic that can be stopped if we all just do our individual parts. Won't you please, please do your part?
Ok, back to the pretty.
Here's another beautiful piece to enjoy, {it's for sale!} in the hopes that you'll forgive me for getting all preachy.
What are you doing to make your Wednesday is as beautiful as these pieces?