
Thankful Things

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it 
is like wrapping a present and not giving it." 
~ William Arthur Ward

Thankful Things: I

This week I'm thankful for so many things
a. Some views of Chicago just never get old. 
b. Stove top S'mores. Roasted marshmallows + Chocolate covered graham crackers = Yum
c. Watching ABT's dress rehearsal for Giselle was one of the most incredible dance experiences of my life.
d. Beautiful blue skies, yellow blossoms, and bare branches that will be green and lush soon!
e. The prairie district is such a stunning place to take puppy walks.
f.  Even waiting for the train can be a stunning experience.
g. Kismet
h. The Hunger Games movie was just as entertaining as I hoped it would be. 
i.  Watching the fog roll in and out has provided lots of entertainment this week.

This week I'm also thankful to have come across these on the Interwebs
* We should make these and wear one of these for tomorrow's Mad Men season premiere.
* Reading this made me hopeful that one day I can cross it off my Ultimate To DO list.
* Sometimes waiting for a blog post is totally worth it.
* Although it isn't groundbreaking television, it's still a little bit of guilty fun.
* What an unexpected way to cross "Write a Love Letter" off my Day Zero list.

What has made your heart thankful this week?