
The Chicago Botanic Garden

Last week on a particularly warm and sunny day, we made the long(ish) drive out to the 'burbs to visit the Chicago Botanic Garden (1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe). I'm happy to report it was another entertaining adventure to be added to our ever growing list of free things to do in Chicago. Is your mouth hanging open? Because mine was when I heard that admission to the 385 acre garden is free to the general public. What a happy surprise. And although there is generally a $20 parking fee charged to non-members, we found a way to avoid paying that tidy little sum too. In the Popular Library room of the Harold Washington branch of the Chicago public library, patrons are able to check out a pass that allows visitors to park at the Garden for free! All this bargainy free-ness definitely started our adventure off on a very positive note.

Chicago Botanic Garden

The Chicago Botanic Garden.

Once inside, the Garden itself took care of continuing the afternoon's positivity. Generally, April might be too early to visit an attraction like the Chicago Botanic Garden. But this year's unseasonably warm March meant many of the flowers were blooming and there were plenty of stunning views to be enjoyed.

Crescent Garden @ Chicago Botanic Garden

The Crescent Garden.

Carolus Linnaeus statue @ Chicago Botanic Garden

Robert Berks' striking bronze of Carolus Linneaus
who established binomial nomenclature as the system of naming plants we still use today.

English Walled Garden @ Chicago Botanic Garden

A view from the English Walled Garden.
(...still waiting on a bit of tree greening)

Deliciously Fragrant Crab apple blossoms @ Chicago Botanic Garden

Fragrant Crab Apple blossoms were all throughout the gardens.

Chicago Botanic Garden

Japanese Garden @ Chicago Botanic Garden

A bridge onto the island housing The Japanese Garden.

Circle Garden @ Chicago Botanic Garden

The Circle Garden.

The Botanic Garden was quite a hike from the South Loop. But the fresh air, beautiful blooms and peaceful quiet of the gardens made the trek well worth our time. But don't take my word for it, if you're around Chicago take a day and pay a visit yourself.

Click HERE for a calendar of upcoming Garden events

I'm a sucker for tulips. 
Do you have a particular flower that makes your heart skip a beat?