When I discovered I needed to take a written driver's test in order to get my Illinois identification I was terrified. Without doing the math, let's agree that it's been quite some time since I had to answer questions about the rules of the road. What if I failed?
But, with NATO just around the corner and the threat of barricaded streets and identification checks looming large, we finally braved the dreaded exam. After a small dose of test anxiety and a two hour visit to the department of motor vehicles (everyone there was very, very friendly and helpful) I am now an official Illinois resident. Now that I am, I look forward to all the benefits that it provides. (I can just hear my husband mumbling, "Higher taxes.")
Did you know... admission to the Art Institute of Chicago is free to Illinois residents the first and second Wednesday of every month?
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Why are driver's license pictures always so horrible? That hardly even looks likes me.