Pop up costumes shop litter Michigan Avenue, the price of candy has sky-rocketed and everywhere I turn I'm seeing
After spending five years in the bible belt where "fall festivals" were more prevalent than the campy celebration of ghouls and goblins, I'm pretty excited to see how Chicago (ya bunch of heathens) does All Hallows' Eve.
I doubt we'll be inundated with trick or treaters since we're living in an apartment building. (more candy for us!) So it looks like we'll need a different way to celebrate than fattening up panhandling munchkins.
I think I found a perfect event. Chicagoween.
From Friday October 26th to Tuesday the 30th, there will be a gaggle of events in Franken Plaza. (aka Daley Plaza) They're promising costume contests, magic shows, hay rides, hot apple cider and performances by Midnight Circus. Not sure who Midnight Circus is? Neither was I.
According to the Midnight Circus website:
The Midnight Circus encompasses performers who hail from all over the globe but now make their homes in Chicago—actors and acrobats, aerialists and eccentrics, clowns and contortionists, singers, dancers, musicians, and a lone dog. Though our talents are varied, we are united by a passion for community, a commitment to artistry, and a shared vision for bringing together our diverse art forms to create something exciting, accessible, and uniquely urban.Yes, please.
I'm also looking forward to a screening of the 1986 cult classic Little Shop of Horrors starring Rick Moranis. (Friday the 26th @ 6pm)
Please tell me you remember Audrey 2 whining, "Feeeeeeeeed Me, Seymour." Classic.
For the full schedule of FREE ghoulish events visit Explore Chicago's website.
How will you be celebrating Halloween this year?