The weather apps were predicting the storm would drop 10 inches on the city! I was pretty excited. Finally I was going to experience a real Chicago storm. I've heard the legends. I've been warned over and over again. I was ready. I knew I had plenty of

And that's exactly what I did.
The snow fell fast and furiously all day long. It never amounted to the promised 10 inches. Actually, it wasn't anywhere close to that. And though there were moments of white out conditions, in the end, it probably didn't qualify as a true blizzard.
But after a full year of wishing and waiting for the white stuff, I'm definitely not complaining about yesterday's storm.

I am complaining about one thing though. I had big dreams that my "time lapse" photography of the storm would be much more dramatic. Can you say, anti-climactic?

Now that that's out of the way... who's ready for spring?