OMG you guys! I totally had a "Catbird" sighting. Ahhhhhhhh! I was even able to snap a quick pic of the Abnegation village before security made me put my phone away. I. Was. Dying. Now I'm completely psyched for the movie and considering re-reading the book for like the 20th time.

Translation: The film adaptation of Veronica Roth's novel Divergent is being shot in and around Chicago this summer. In an attempt to keep things under wraps during filming, Divergent has been given the code name "Catbird" by the studio. But they aren't fooling anybody. Thanks to a heads up from a generous friend {Thank you, Cait} I found out about a set being constructed near her building and was able to stalk it like a 13 year old girl.

If you haven't read the first two books (what is your major malfunction?) these nondescript houses are probably incredibly uninteresting to look at. But, if you're a closet fan girl, like me, you'll recognize them as clearly Abnegation. Divergent is set in a dystopian Chicago where the population has been divided into five factions. Abnegation is the faction in which the main character Tris was raised.
It turns out she's a South Loop girl.
Shailene Woodley as Tris
photo source: EW, image credit: Jaap Buitendijk
I intend to keep my eye out for more filming as the summer continues, but I'm pretty excited to have crossed another item off the Summer To Do list.
Divergent is scheduled to open on March 21, 2014.
(for those keeping track that is a day before my birthday... happy birthday to me)
Have you ever stumbled on (or purposefully sought out) a movie shooting on location?