- Four Ways to Inject Humanity in Your Social Media Posts
- Why I'm Daring to Dream "I’ve traded in my fear for curiosity about what the future might hold. And though daring to dream might not be the safe option, it sure feels right."
- Building Relationships Through Blogging
- A Bit of Chicago Art History: The Flight of Daedalus and Icarus
- The Great iPod Battle
- Five Fall Faves
- Dreaming Together
- Change of Heart
- Dream Big

Featured on Smart Blogs on Social Media
"Don’t let the keyboard strip you of your humanity. It’s what is going to separate you from the crowd and elevate your voice above all the noise."
Featured on Smart Savvy Style
"For me, blogging without community, blogging without relationships, blogging in a bubble isn’t nearly as rewarding."
Featured on Art. Advise. Collect
Featured on The Girl with the Blue Bow
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